علمِ تخریج الحدیث میں ابن الملقن کی تصنیفی خدمات:البدرُالمنیرکااختصاصی مطالعہ

Ibn al-Malqqin's Contributions in Takhrīj ʻl Hadith: A Specific Study of al-Badr ʻl-Munīr


  • Hafiz Muhammad Azeem Safdar ), Lecture Government College 90 SB, Sargodha
  • 2. Zulfiqar Ali PhD Scholar, International Islamic University, Islamabad


Ibn al-Mulqqin,Takhrīj al Hadith,Al-Sharḥ al-Kabīr, Al-Badr al-Munīr, Methodology.


Takhrīj al Hadith is imperative for the Hadith sciences as Hadith students cannot make full use of the holy prophet Muhammad (SAW)’s Ahadith without deep knowledge and understanding of Hadith narrators and sources. In the early days of Islam, there was no need for the takhrīj of Ahadith due to the direct and easy access to the information, narrators and sources related to hadith. With the spread of Islam and Ahadith in the vast area and unfamiliarity with the hadith sciences and collections, Its need was felt by some Hadith scholars so that integrity and authencity of Hadith may be maintained. Although research on hadith was started in the time of Ṣaḥābah but Tāb’iīn and Tab’a Tāb’iīn worked on Hadith at great length and wrote many books on the Hadith.As a result, Hadith became new genre and discipline,in this way, need for their takhrīj also arose. Since Ibn al-Mulqqin was bestowed with extensive knowledge and potential by Allah(SWT),so the Sheīkh contributed to this science greatly and significantly. In this article, all these books have been described in general, while analytical research and review of Al-Badr al-Munīr have been presented specifically because this book is magnum opus in this field. Al-Badr al-Munīr is on the takhrīj ’e hadith from the famous book "Al-Sharḥ al-Kabīr" by Imām Raf’iī al-Qazwīnī' (423 AH). The preface of the book is very comprehensive while Ibn Al-Mulqqin’s method and style in Al-Badr al-Munīr are persuasive, up to the mark and balanced.


Prof.Hafiz Ahmad Bakhsh

Dr.Muhmmad Naeem ul din




How to Cite

Hafiz Muhammad Azeem Safdar, & 2. Zulfiqar Ali. (2023). علمِ تخریج الحدیث میں ابن الملقن کی تصنیفی خدمات:البدرُالمنیرکااختصاصی مطالعہ : Ibn al-Malqqin’s Contributions in Takhrīj ʻl Hadith: A Specific Study of al-Badr ʻl-Munīr. Al-‘Ulūm Journal of Islamic Studies, 4(2), 27–53. Retrieved from https://alulum.net/ojs/index.php/aujis/article/view/64