التفرد في الحديث والعلاقة بينه وبين الشاذ وزيادات الثقات

Al-Tā’fa’rrud in Ḥādith and its Connection between al-Shāāz and Ziyādāt Al-thiqāt


  • Waqas Ali Haider PhD Scholar, Department of Islamic Studies, University of Okara, Okara, Pakistan
  • Abdul Haseeb Lecturer, Punjab Tianjin university of technology Lahore


Hadith sciences, Technical analysis, Chain, narration


 Hadith sciences is one of the most distinct and prestigious branches of Islamic law. This makes it simple to differentiate between what is right and what is wrong. The significance of the topic is demonstrated by this critical worek. In Hadith tradition, there are numerous important categories having technical connection between them. Typically, when these terms are used by ordinary people they immediately think with the rejection of Hadith and the fact is that the Shaz or Tafarrud Hadith is unacceptable. Tafarrud or Shaz has a profound connection to Hadith sciences keeping reasons according to its knowledge. The scholars having Hadith knowledge have worked to distinct their meanings. This article explores the value of Tafarrud in Hadith sciences and further it explains the division of other categories. Therefore this research has endeavoured to give Tafarrud, Shaz, and Mazid-fi-al-Mutasil-al-asanid in a concise yet.  With the application of its discipline, this study will have direction in comprehending them and avoid confusion.




How to Cite

Waqas Ali Haider, & Abdul Haseeb. (2022). التفرد في الحديث والعلاقة بينه وبين الشاذ وزيادات الثقات: Al-Tā’fa’rrud in Ḥādith and its Connection between al-Shāāz and Ziyādāt Al-thiqāt. Al-‘Ulūm Journal of Islamic Studies, 3(1), 61–83. Retrieved from https://alulum.net/ojs/index.php/aujis/article/view/19