من تفردات أبي حنيفة في كتاب الغرائب و الأفراد للدار قطني و بيان تعليله دراسة وصفية تحليلية
‘Ulūm ul Hadīth is one of the most sacred knowledge of Islām and ‘ilm-u-‘ilal is the most complicated field of its sciences. Therefore, no one can discover ‘Illah of a hadīth except the Ᾱ’immah who are expert in this field having profound knowledge about the chains of aḥādīth and vast information about their narrators and the connection among them in a chain. Taffarrud is also a kind of ‘ilal. There are many types of Gharābah and Taffarud. Sometimes it is accepted with specific conditions and sometimes it is rejected. This article narrates the status of Imām Abū Hanīfah in the field of ‘ilm ul hadīs according to the Ᾱ’immat-ul-Jarḥ w ta’dīl. This research paper deals with the hidden shortcomings (‘ilal) of Ahādith of Imām Abū Hanīfah in the famous book of Imām Dār e Quṭnī named Al Gharāib wal Afrād from Musnad Abdullah Ibn e Masood which is an important book of a great Imām in which he collected Fard and Gharīb Ahādīth and wrote down the ‘illah of every ḥadīth with it. This book consists of 6400 Aḥādīth. This article describes how to discover ‘ilal of a ḥadīth? Which are the steps for the acknowledgment of ‘illah? How to find out the madār of a ḥadīth after collecting all of its chains from the books of aḥādīth. This paper gives examples of Taffarudāt of a Imām and highlights that when Taffarud is accepted and when it is not accepted and which may be the kinds of Tafarrudāt.
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