عہد نبویﷺ میں نظامِ حلف وولا: تشکیل وارتقا

The System of Ḥilf-o Wilā (oath of alliance) in the Prophetic Era: Formation and Evolution


  • Hafiz Javed Ahmad Lecturer Punjab College Rawalpindi, PhD Scholar, Lahore Garrison University Lahore


Sīrah, Hilf, Wilā, Oath, Brotherhood, Justice, Equity


The concept of ilf-oWilā (oath and alliance) plays a vital role in understanding the social dynamics of early Islamic society. It denotes the importance of alliances formed for mutual support, particularly during challenges of the times. Historically, in pre-Islamic Arabia, individuals and tribes adopted such agreements primarily for personal gain, often leading to a culture where loyalty was pledged regardless of moral implications. This practice raises significant ethical concerns, as it frequently resulted in the oppression of the vulnerable, with allies obligated to support one another without regard for justice. Islam introduced transformative changes to this system, highlighting the need for justice and support for the oppressed. This shift redefined relationships based on principles of equity and compassion rather than self-serving interests. The research explores how these alliances evolved from pre-Islamic traditions into a more structured framework under Islamic law. It also highlights various forms of allegiance, such as Wilā al-‘Itq (alliance through emancipation) and Wilā al-Muwālāt (alliance through cooperation), illustrating how these concepts were reformed to align with Islamic values in the time of Prophet Muhammad (peace be on him). Moreover, this research emphasizes how Islam had addressed the issues related to inheritance rights, ensuring that close relatives were prioritized while still allowing for a portion of wealth to be bequeathed to allies. This reform was significant in preventing injustices that had previously marginalized rightful heirs. In conclusion; the evolution of the ilf-o Wilā system reflects a profound commitment to justice and ethical conduct within the Muslim community.




How to Cite

Ahmad, H. J. (2024). عہد نبویﷺ میں نظامِ حلف وولا: تشکیل وارتقا: The System of Ḥilf-o Wilā (oath of alliance) in the Prophetic Era: Formation and Evolution. Al-‘Ulūm Journal of Islamic Studies, 5(2), 1–31. Retrieved from https://alulum.net/ojs/index.php/aujis/article/view/171