عرب میں کمزور معاشرتی طبقات کی اعانت کے معاہدے: تجزیاتی مطالعہ

Contracts for the support of vulnerable social groups in the Arab world: An Analytical Study


  • Niaz Ahmad(PhD) Govt. Associate College Makhdoom Rasheed Multan
  • Syeda Rabbia Ahmad(PhD) Govt. Associate college adda gujrat muzaffargerh


Social contract, Sīrat, Ḥalf-ul-Fudhūl, Rights, Security


It’s human instinct to live together in groups or in a form of society. Aristotle says, “Man is by nature a social animal and society is something that precedes the individual.” The people of a society have a deep connection with each other which is depended mostly on an invisible contract that is found in their unconsciousness which provokes them to continue and complete this relation. Before the prophet hood of the Holy Prophet (peace be on him), the era is nominated as black period. Undoubtedly, there were many traditions and customs in practice at that era which was full of ignorance. The people of Arab were basically involved in many evil doings but in spite of all that, the society had many merits. The study of history reveals that people gave too much respect to mutual contracts and promises.  It is important to study the nature, limitations, implementation and effects of such kind of social contracts because the judicial system of today’s era with all its progress is facing too many problems to provide the justice to the people. In this article, this aspect has been described in detail.





How to Cite

Ahmad(PhD), N. ., & Ahmad(PhD), S. R. (2024). عرب میں کمزور معاشرتی طبقات کی اعانت کے معاہدے: تجزیاتی مطالعہ: Contracts for the support of vulnerable social groups in the Arab world: An Analytical Study. Al-‘Ulūm Journal of Islamic Studies, 5(2), 51–72. Retrieved from https://alulum.net/ojs/index.php/aujis/article/view/170