اہانت آل واصحاب رسولﷺ کی سزا کتاب الشفاء کی رشنی میں

Punishment on Disrespecting of Family Members & Companions of the Prophet (peace be upon him) in the light of Kitāb ʻl-Shifā


  • Mohsin Zia Qazi (PhD) Director Institute of Islamic Studies & Shariah, Muslim Youth University, Islamabad
  • Muhammad Ramzan (PhD) Institute of Islamic Studies & Shariah, Muslim Youth University, Islamabad


Sīrah literature, blasphemy, punishment, harassment, Prophetic rights


The love of the Prophet (peace be on him) is a symbol of the love of Allah Almighty. Islam teaches us to respect the Prophet (peace be on him), as Allah has obliged us to love the Prophet (peace be on him). He also has declared by the literature of his companions that the punishment of those who does not have the honour of holy Prophet (peace be on him) and furthermore, they do disrespect with their wordings and signs. Allah Almighty has given the right of honour being prophet that is superior status than all creature of the universe. Muslim scholars compiled the literature with authentic sources to prove the personality of holy Prophet (peace be on him) even his family. This research intends the punishment regarding disrespecting to the holy prophet (peace be on him) and the things related to his personality. Therefore, Kitāb ʻl Shifā is also the part of this literature which presents the honour and dishonour of the prophet. In contemporary society, especially in Pakistan, blasphemy is a burning issue which needs to discuss scholarly with analysis of Qurʼānic verses and aḥādīth.




How to Cite

Mohsin Zia Qazi (PhD), & Muhammad Ramzan (PhD). (2024). اہانت آل واصحاب رسولﷺ کی سزا کتاب الشفاء کی رشنی میں: Punishment on Disrespecting of Family Members & Companions of the Prophet (peace be upon him) in the light of Kitāb ʻl-Shifā. Al-‘Ulūm Journal of Islamic Studies, 4(1), 127–148. Retrieved from https://alulum.net/ojs/index.php/aujis/article/view/133